Renzulli Learning

In Person and Online

Professional Development

Renzulli Learning believes that teachers are at the heart of good teaching and we can’t underestimate the teacher’s critical role. Teachers need time and resources to build their knowledge base through ongoing Professional Development, structured professional learning communities, coaching and mentoring, and just in-time ongoing training.

Our Professional Development, second to none, has been developed and is based on the research and pedagogy of Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli and Dr. Sally Reis, the leading experts in the world in the field of creativity, talent development and Project Based Learning and is available and customized to support schools and districts. Renzulli Learning’s unparalleled Professional Development is guiding school leaders in recognizing the potential of their students while preparing students today for the jobs of tomorrow, many of which do not exist today.

Renzulli Learning’s Professional Development services provide proven, accessible classroom applications that model theory into practice for educators. Teachers learn to integrate our standards-based resources in order to maximize student engagement and topic retention. From meeting with community stakeholders, to supplementing existing lessons, to developing a differentiated curriculum with Problem Based Learning, to enhancing offerings for your gifted and talented population, or launching a full Schoolwide Enrichment Model – let our team lead the way!

In Person and Online

System Professional Development

In Person and Online

Language Learning Professional Development

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