Renzulli Learning

Renzulli Learning


Renzulli Learning system enables teachers to easily differentiate instructions and leverages student motivation to achieve enhanced academic performance. We help teachers better understand the needs, motivations, and strengths of every child so they can more efficiently and effectively reach, engage, and inspire every student.

The power of the Renzulli Profiler brings personalized, interest-based learning into the hands of your students every day, without sacrificing your required curriculum and standards. Renzulli Learning prepares students by asking them to apply, deepen, and extend their learning through differentiated assignments that enhance critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Renzulli Learning assignments encourage students to think outside the box and apply what they’ve learned in engaging activities that match students’ learning style, expression style, and interests.

Problem Based Learning increases student engagement and interest through self-directed learning. PBL can provide students with deeper opportunities for critical thinking and analysis, as well as cross-discipline and real-world problem solving.

Teacher Benefits

Student Benefits

Administrator Benefits

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