Renzulli Learning

Renzulli Learning


Reflections on Gifted Education: Critical Works

40 years of research and development are highlighted in this book with a collection of articles published by Dr. Joseph S. Renzulli and his colleagues. Renzulli’s work has had an impact on gifted education and enrichment pedagogy across the globe, based on the general theme of the need to apply more flexible approaches to identifying and developing giftedness and talents in young people.

Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students

The Renzulli Scales are the nation’s most popular tool for identifying gifted children. Supported by 40 years of research, the Renzulli Scales are used by gifted and talented programs across the country. This standardized instrument is completed by teachers and provides an effective method for identifying gifted children.

Enrichment Clusters: A Practical Plan for Real-World Student-Driven Learning

Enrichment clusters engage students and facilitators in student-driven, real-world learning experiences. Grouped by interest, students working like practicing professionals apply advanced content and methods to develop products and services for authentic audiences. Clusters are scheduled during the school day over an extended period of time and involve all students.

Curriculum Compacting: A Guide to Differentiating Curriculum and Instruction Through Enrichment and Acceleration

Curriculum compacting is one of the most well-researched and commonly used ways of differentiating instruction to challenge advanced learners. This practical and inexpensive method of differentiating both content and instruction enables classroom teachers to streamline the regular curriculum, ensure students’ mastery of basic skills, and provide time for stimulating enrichment and acceleration activities.

The Multiple Menu Model: A Practical Guide for Developing Differentiated Curriculum

The Multiple Menu Model presents six practical menus that guide curriculum developers as they bring together an understanding of a discipline, its content and methodologies, and a vast array of instructional techniques. Teachers have successfully used this approach to challenge learners on all levels and make learning more meaningful, relevant, and engaging.

Schools for Talent Development: A Practical Plan for Total School Improvement

The Schoolwide Enrichment Model is a blueprint for total school improvement that stresses flexibility and creativity and promotes challenging, enjoyable learning across all school types, levels, and demographics. The model combines organizational resources with three service-delivery components: the total-talent portfolio, curriculum-modification techniques, and enrichment learning and teaching.

Think Data: Getting Kids Involved in Hands-on Investigations with Data-gathering Instruments

Every day, students encounter countless data-gathering opportunities that present the potential for creating new knowledge. Think Data: Getting Kids Involved in Hands-On Investigations With Data-Gathering Instruments introduces data-gathering instruments such as a blood pressure monitor, pH strips, a salt monitor, and a pedometer; the types of data they can gather; and what kinds of questions analyzing that data can answer.

The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A How-To Guide for Talent Development

The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A How-to Guide for Talent Development (3rd ed.) presents a common sense approach for helping students achieve and engage in joyful learning. Based on years of research, the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) is founded on highly successful practices originally developed for programs for gifted students.

Systems and Models for Developing Programs for the Gifted and Talented

Systems and Models for Developing Programs for the Gifted and Talented includes chapters on the major systems and models for developing programs for the gifted, including the Autonomous Learner Model, the Integrative Education Model, the Multiple Menu Model, the Purdue Three-Stage Model, the Schoolwide Enrichment Model, and Levels of Service.

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